A History of the Cosmic Love Story
History of the Cosmic Love Story
The Cosmic Love Story is an understanding developed from numerous synchronous events. Credibility is best determined in the reader’s heart. We consider the central focus to be the overall report without distracting details of personal experiences. For those interested in those personal aspects behind the story, this abbreviated history is offered.
A first observation: The intersection of the two universes made the two universes aware of the existence of a greater universe within which they both travelled.
Also the dolphin are fully aware that the central players on this planet are the humans. The dolphin hold the Christ Consciousness codes for the humans to access when they are prepared to restore that consciousness to themselves. The humans had to reach for evolution with integrity, an open heart, and a clear mind to complete the final piece of the puzzle.
On Friday, April 4, the rabbi began to receive training in Hawaiian Sacred Lomi Lomi. The purpose of this sacred massage is to release all stored genetic information and bring the recipient and the practitioner completely into themselves. The training extended over the entire weekend. The rabbi intended to take a break to be at the altar and then found that the training was where he belonged.
On Sunday, the priest went to the top of Haleakala, the Vitki went to the priest’s altar, and the rabbi remained in the Lomi Lomi training.
As the priest stood on the mountain, the sun disappeared and he could see the stars. Between 11:00 and 12:00 noon, a massive ray of energy came into the priest. As a Jewish priest, he was trained to hold sacred energy directly from source. He drew the energy into himself and transmitted the energy to his altar.
At the altar, the Rune Master followed the pattern shown him in a dream the night before. He laid his runes in a circle and placed an unlit candle in the middle. At approximately 11:00 the candle lit, as his dream had shown him it would. A blue haze covered the runes. The room grew dim around him. The sounds of people in other apartments faded away.
Slowly, runes began to be seen within the haze. He pushed them out of the circle in the order they appeared. A pause indicated to him the message was complete. He replaced the runes. A second message began. Altogether four separate messages came through. At that point the candle went out.
Meanwhile, the rabbi had taken a break on the back steps of the Center where the Lomi Lomi was taking place. He felt a call to return to the room. There on the table was a Jewish woman, who had already released significant stored energy from her body. The rabbi went to her side and made three moves, the most important of which was into her heart space. The woman, in modern parlance, went balistic.
Out of her body came the entire history of the Jewish people. The rabbi could feel in her feet all the steps taken in the wanderings, in her belly he could feel all the children lost along the way, in her hands he could feel the acts of warfare and vengeance. With tears pouring from his eyes, the rabbi struggled to maintain his equilibrium and continue the work.
When the work was done, the kahuna lapa’au (keeper of the secrets in the medicinal tradition), told the rabbi that all the Jewish ancestors had been present in the room to witness the event.
The Rune Master brought the messages to the rabbi. In reading the four messages, one rune captured the rabbi’s attention. The rune stands for axis. At that point, the entire message became clear. The essence of the message was that the axis, the foundation for the new world was now in place.
Over the following days, the rabbi received further information. A spiritual artist brought the rabbi a picture of a crystal skull. The skull was not human and quite “misshapen” compared to other crystal skulls on the planet. This skull is known to some as the Crest Stone Skull. Looking at the picture and talking to the artist, the rabbi experienced something he had known before — an entire story came to him explaining something happening on Earth.
The rabbi took the story to another Hawaiian kahuna, a keeper of the sacred records. The Kahuna confirmed that the story was correct. The kahuna shared that the Hawaiian people observed a calendar cycle of 24,000 years. In 1991, they began the ceremony of uniting. Their spiritual guides told them that if they performed all the proper ceremonies, they would see the moon appear over a particular heiau (sacred temple) on Wednesday, April 3. On that day the moon did appear where foretold.
To the Hawaiians, this fulfillment of the prophecies meant that a new cycle had started. In their tradition, the Earth and all beings upon it were now in the sixth world.